Powers of Darkness
Chapter Twelve of Eric's book Disarming
the Powers of Darkness is now online!
Read: "The Battle
Cry of Praise"
You can catch up on other chapters by clicking here.
(Note: We are now using PDF format to
upload the book chapters. It requires the free download program Adobe Acrobat which makes
viewing and printing the documents very convenient. Click here to
get the latest version if you don't already have Acrobat.)
Website Update
We've added several new articles and links to the
website. Plus, by using the Alta Vista tool on the home page you can now translate the
entire site into eight languages!
It is so refreshing to find a true Christian on the web. I have been
worried for my spiritual welfare ever since I was forced to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles in Spanish for school. And then with my friends pushing from all sides with their
Harry Potter books, it's hard to live the way He wants us to. However, I think that you
should make a list or something of evil things disguised as "pop culture" I find
too many people who understand Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and other such things, but
still regard Pokemon and the Da Vinci Code as harmless entertainment. May God bless your
ministries good sir.
I just read your article on Catholicism. Praise God! I have loved and prayed for a friend
for three years who was raised Catholic and she would look at my family and
say.."What is it about you guys?" She always said when she would hear me witness
to someone,"That is a good Jesus story." I would say its not a story its my
life! We seen the Passion and one week later she accepted Jesus as her Savior! The
questions I had to answer though!! Anyway I wanted to give you this quote from my pastor
Ed Potts. I attend a very spirit filled bible believing church! He said he would witness
to a friend who would say "Now I don't need to hear that Ed, I am a Lutheran."
Pastor Ed would say "Just cause I sleep in the garage don't make me a car!"
Keep up the good work. I sometimes get answers for my kids from your
articles. God bless you.
Eric's Note: The article Tina is
referring to (and dozens of others) can be found in the Information Center at www.ericbarger.com.
I just received your latest newsletter, and wanted to encourage you in
continuing to expose the truth about the Harry Potter series. I'm so grateful for your
Ministry! It is very clear to our children (ages 8 & 11) that Harry Potter is off
limits. The information you provide is completely grounded in the Word of God. Thank you
and Godspeed!
Keep at it!
Keep at it Eric! We need more people that tell it like it is. Thank you SO
much for all the study and research you do,digging out the lies that are hidden by the
Your brother in the Lord,
Eric T.
Eric's Note:
After reading these
emails it sound like fanfare but amazingly, we haven't received a bunch of negative emails
in a while...PTL!
Seriously, I am
humbled by so many responses we get. Thanks to everyone who writes.
We welcome your comments and ideas. Please write Eric here.
We NEED Your Support!
To use
or send your best gift and request to:
Take a Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030 USA
Sow your gift as an offering of
worship unto the Lord and know that it will help "Disarm the Powers of Darkness"
and help set captives free in Jesus' name!
Thanks and God bless you! |